
The Complete Beginner's Guide to Your Dog's Allergies

Welcome to the complete beginner’s guide to your dog’s allergies.

Today, we're going to tackle how to effectively navigate the complexities of canine allergies, without breaking the bank or losing your sanity!

You and I know achieving long-term results for your dog allergies can seem vast and complicated. However, I will do my best to take the guesswork out of finding your dog’s solution, while keeping more of your hard-earned cash in the bank (or at least being spent on fun toys, treats, and lavish things you want to buy for your dog…) 

In this step-by-step guide, I’m going to show you what common pitfalls to avoid and what insider secrets will get the results your dog deserves, faster.

You and I both know that having a dog brings immeasurable joy, but when your furry friend starts showing signs of allergies, it can be concerning and confusing. Unfortunately, allergies in dogs are prevalent, and understanding how to identify and manage them is crucial for your pet's well-being. In this comprehensive guide, we'll take you through a 3-step process to help you navigate the world of dog allergies and empower you with practical solutions.

If you have any questions as you’re going through this guide or would like additional more customized support, you can check out our next “Ask an Animal Wellness Coach” live event and get real-time answers live! You can also explore our Animal Health Consultations to get a comprehensive individual action plan fully customized for your dog’s health. 

Click here to register for the next free “Ask an Animal Wellness Coach” online event now >>

Overview and Definition Time: Dog Allergies

What exactly is considered allergies for dogs?

Dog allergies encompass a range of adverse reactions that dogs can have to various substances, including food ingredients, environmental factors, and even grooming products. These allergies can manifest through symptoms such as itching, redness, ear infections, and gastrointestinal issues. 

You may only suspect your dog has allergies… or you might be in the midst of what seems like a never-ending, expensive, and unsuccessful journey to health after an official medical diagnosis of allergies for your dog. 

Regardless of where you are with your dog’s health journey, you've come to the right place because I’m about to break things down so they’re clear and understandable.

In the most basic terms, an allergy is simply your dog’s body reacting negatively to substances in, on, or around them that typically are harmless and a non-issue to other dogs.

Another way to relate to what your dog’s body is experiencing in a personal way… Think about a time that you were highly overstimulated and completely overreacted to a simple stimulus that any other day wouldn’t have phased you at all.

That is an oversimplified way of looking at what your dog’s immune system is currently like. It’s overstimulated and overreacting to stimulus that typically would be a non-issue.

As you might know, it’s common for veterinarians to prescribe immunosuppressants and/or corticosteroids to help relieve or control allergy symptoms. Although, there are times this may be necessary; in the view of the holistic approach… These medications are like someone telling you to simply “Calm down” in one of your overstimulated fits of rage. Not a wise or long-term solution.

Hopefully, this unique perspective helps you better understand your dog’s allergies and might already give you clues as to why there is so much confusion or frustration with the most commonly taught and prescribed solutions. 

Let’s dive into the 3 step approach to effectively address and manage dog allergies in a way that generates long-term results and addresses the root cause (the angry, overstimulated immune system).

3 Beginner Steps to Success in Overcoming Canine Allergies

The definition and overview introduced why your dog is experiencing allergy-type symptoms, but now it's time to get out the map and point you in the right direction for results.

Step #1. Identifying the Trigger Type

An essential first step in overcoming your dog’s allergies is to determine whether the allergies are being triggered by your dog’s food (internal environment trigger) or an external environment trigger whether it be pollen, grass, mold, household cleaners, grooming products, etc. 

Don’t panic… 

You might be thinking this is where I suggest allergy testing or intolerance testing that can cost $100 to $600 and generate results that cause frustration and confusion, while still relying on expensive medications that aren’t getting the results you want but keep the symptoms at a dull roar.

Not in this Beginner’s Guide my friend!

There is a time and place for those tests but many dog owners (myself included…) have achieved results without the testing or side effect-laden medications.

Without identifying the type of trigger, you don’t know where to start and your efforts will be like throwing everything at the symptoms and hoping something sticks! 

The reality is there isn’t a perfect and 100% accurate way to know the exact trigger, but one general rule to help you determine the trigger type is by answering questions such as:

Do the allergy symptoms come and go with climate changes or season changes? (This will lean more toward external environmental and/or seasonal allergies.)

Are the symptoms only skin/topically presenting and occur after grooming, house cleaning, yard treatment, or other situations that involve external factors with chemicals? 

Are there chronic gastrointestinal issues that include chronic gas, diarrhea, or vomiting? (This can be a sign of food allergies)

It’s important to note that food allergies don’t always present right away. Oftentimes people don’t connect reactions to foods; because it can take weeks for there to be an obvious external reaction. It can also happen after feeding a certain food for many years. So it might seem counterintuitive for an allergy to have “suddenly” presented. But if your dog's allergy symptoms are not affected by seasonal changes or climate shifts it’s likely stemming from a food intolerance. 

Dietary Stepping Stone Solutions for Food Allergies

Before we dive into the primary steps of overcoming your dog’s allergies we have to cover some basic simple solutions to set your dog up for success. I understand some of these you’ve likely heard of and maybe tried without success… But these are important stepping stones that aren’t meant to be a full resolution.

The commonly experienced frustration and lack of results are because these are solutions that should bridge and support the overarching steps we will dive into later in the guide. 

  • Limited Ingredient Diet (LID)

Food allergies are a significant concern for many dog owners. If your dog is allergic to certain ingredients, transitioning to a Limited Ingredient Diet (LID) can be a game-changer. LID dog foods contain a minimal number of carefully selected ingredients, making it easier to identify and eliminate potential allergens.

  • Hydrolyzed Diets

Hydrolyzed protein diets are another effective path that typically people think requires expensive prescription food, but SquarePet has affordable, accessible options that are still vet-formulated and do not require a prescription. The hydrolyzed pork option was what finally gave me traction with improving my Great Dane’s allergies! Feeding options like the Skin and Digestive Health (the hydrolyzed pork option) and even the Meatless formula are great temporary diets to utilize to calm the system down enough to implement the steps shared further in this Beginner’s Guide.

  • Novel Protein Sources

Because many dog owners were not aware of the benefits of protein type rotation and have been fed the same food for many years, it’s for dogs to have high intolerance reactions to common protein sources like beef or chicken. Consider incorporating novel protein sources into your dog's diet to see if this simple shift is what your dog needs to experience relief. Take note that it can take 6 to 8 weeks to notice a positive change with a diet change. So if the symptoms aren’t getting worse, stick with the new diet for long enough to determine if there is an improvement for your dog. Proteins like venison, duck, or rabbit are typically less likely to cause allergic reactions, providing an alternative for dogs with sensitivities.

  • Freeze Dried or Raw Diet

Oftentimes when a dog has tested intolerant to a protein that doesn’t equate to the protein in its raw form. Many clients and 3 of my dogs over the years have taken well to a freeze-dried or raw diet, that often still included an animal protein they tested “allergic” to.

It’s important to utilize any allergy or intolerance test as a tool and resource, but don’t think that you MUST avoid EVERYTHING on the list!

Working with an Animal Wellness Coach who is experienced and specialized in canine nutrition can help you to customize a diet that fits your budget and aligns with your dog’s unique needs. They understand there is more to nutrition than just percentages and ratios. Factoring in food energies, the dog’s lifestyle, breed characteristics, and more are crucial to finding the right diet. 

Stepping Stone Solutions for Environmental Allergy Management

Similarly to the stepping-stone solutions offered for food allergies, these are great support options that complement the foundational Step 2 and Step 3 shared within this guide. When pursued as the only solutions to environmental allergy management short-term results and frustration is usually the result. 

Don’t feel discouraged if you’re doing these steps and haven’t achieved the results you want for your dog yet. Instead, feel encouraged and hopeful that you’re already taking the steps necessary and you now have this guide to follow through with beyond these stepping stones to move beyond to get tangible results!

  • Regular Grooming

Environmental allergens like pollen and dust can accumulate in your dog's coat. Regular grooming, including baths with hypoallergenic shampoos, helps remove these allergens, promoting healthier skin and reducing the risk of allergic reactions.

  • Clean Living Spaces

Maintaining a clean living environment is crucial for managing environmental allergies. Regularly vacuuming your home and using air purifiers can significantly reduce the presence of allergens. Pay special attention to areas where your dog spends the most time to create a safe and allergen-free zone.

  • Allergy-Friendly Bedding

Investing in hypoallergenic bedding for your dog's sleeping area is another way to minimize exposure to dust mites and other allergens. Wash bedding regularly in hot water to ensure it stays free from potential triggers.

Itchy Skin Solutions

Itchy skin is a common symptom of allergies in dogs and can lead to discomfort and secondary infections. Addressing itchy skin involves a multi-faceted approach:

  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids - Incorporating omega-3 fatty acid supplements into your dog's diet promotes healthy skin and reduces inflammation associated with allergies. These supplements can be found in various forms, including capsules, liquid, or as part of specialized dog foods.

  • Topical Treatments - Naturally calming and soothing topical treatments, such as oatmeal or hypoallergenic sprays, can provide relief for itchy skin. Ensure these products are specifically formulated for dogs, as human products may contain ingredients that are harmful to pets.

  • Regular Brushing - Regular brushing not only helps remove loose fur but also stimulates the production of natural oils, promoting healthier skin. Choose a brush suitable for your dog's coat type to avoid causing additional irritation.

Step #2. Support the Angry, Overactive Immune System

Awesome work so far! You should have some awareness of what you believe the trigger type is for your dog and you’ve taken the appropriate stepping stone steps to set you up for success with Steps 2 and 3 of this Beginner’s Guide to Overcoming Your Dog’s Allergies.

Remember that angry, overstimulated immune system we introduced at the beginning of the guide?

It’s time to offer that immune system some TLC.

Instead of suppressing it like most methods will recommend. This guide is going to reveal insider tips for naturally turning down the dial on overstimulation.

This will be your first, take-action step. It will require you to purchase products and do something different than what you’re currently doing.

Hopefully, that isn’t a shocker…

If you want different results doing the same thing you’ve always done or even worse doing what the masses are doing - this isn’t the right guide for you!

Understand that over 70% of your dog’s immune system resides in the GI tract. So that’s where you need to start.

I imagine you’re thinking, I’m already using probiotics. 

Or you’ve likely tried them and they didn’t work.

That’s because you likely went with the options that the masses use or that are the same old outdated overused probiotic strains and ingredients that simply don’t generate vibrant digestive health!

When exploring dog digestive health products, (in this case pinpointing a probiotic supplement) look for a canine-specific probiotic or a soil-based probiotic. When supporting digestive health targeted to allergies it’s highly beneficial to select a product that focuses on gut line restoration and repair. 

Oftentimes, this is the real culprit to the intolerance your dog is experiencing from the long list of proteins and food ingredients they “can’t eat”. Because of leaky, damaged intestinal lining, food stuffs have made their way into the bloodstream. Overstimulating the immune system. 

Your dog was not created to be allergic to its environment and all very foods it was designed to eat!

My current top 2 picks for digestive support specific to pups with allergies would be:

Transforming your dog’s health and vitality is NOT the time to desire instant gratification! The truth is your dog didn’t get to this condition overnight.

It’s not your fault that your dog is experiencing allergies. Many factors beyond your control get dogs to this overactive immune state.

But I wouldn’t be a good Animal Wellness Coach if I wasn’t forthright with you; it is going to take time to get the results you want for your dog. You have to be committed and you must be willing to stick with the steps.

Restoring your dog’s digestive system can take 30 days, it might take 90 days. It depends on the dog, the lifestyle, and the diet. So go into this process knowing it will take time, but I promise the results are worth it. 

My most recent personal case study has been with an older Great Dane I adopted who had chronic allergy issues. She simply wasn’t turning around as quickly as I had seen in the past with client dogs’ and even other dogs I’ve had. (I adopt senior dogs, so I’m used to supporting chronic health concerns from both a personal and professional perspective).

It has taken me almost a year to get her to a point where I am content with the progress I see. It’s been a challenge. So, believe me when I say I relate!

But you’re prepared and ready to repair your dog’s digestive system and you can now progress to the third and final beginner's step.

Step #3. Supercharge the Newly Supported Immune System

At this point in overcoming your dog’s allergies, you’ve investigated and explored the allergy trigger type, and have a plan to select an effective digestive supplement that restores and reboots your dog’s GI tract which is the home of over 70% of your dog’s immune system.

 What's left for you to do? 

I would encourage you to implement Step 2 and utilize digestive support for at least 2 weeks before you introduce or utilize this step.

I know you're probably tired of trying new things and purchasing new supplements or products. I acknowledge that feeling, but hopefully, with this guide, you can appreciate the why behind each option and get the vision that long-term relief is possible when the time is taken to get to the root of the problem and resolve the issue at the source. 

The next step is to supercharge the immune system with the right key antioxidants, nutrients, adaptogens, and herbal support. 

When looking for a supplement to supercharge the immune system there are typically 3 types to look for. You do not have to use them at the same time, for my dog I like to rotate these types of products to help my budget and not overwhelm the dog’s system as well.

  • Type 1 - High-Quality Mushroom Supplement - Mushrooms exhibit a diverse range of effects on the immune system, each contributing distinct systemic benefits to pets. The crucial factor lies in the optimal combination of mushroom types, influencing various aspects of long-term pet health and overall quality of life. For an effective impact, mushrooms with high levels of beta-glucans are essential, and utilizing the entire mushroom is key, as this part houses the majority of beta-glucans. Additionally, the synergistic interaction between different mushroom varieties enhances their collective efficacy. Selecting a high-quality blended mushroom supplement will serve you well in supercharging your dog’s immune system. 

My top 2 favorite picks are:

  • Type 2 - Targeted Nutrient Support -  This Beginner’s Guide wouldn’t be complete if I didn’t share one of my favorite allergy-specific supplements that’s packed with targeted vet-formulated support to further support you in generating long-term results - Harmony from Four Leaf Rover. Typically I wouldn't share only one product when it comes to a targeted nutrient support, but my experience and research up to this point leads to the Harmony blend of Four Leaf Rover as an effective, well-formulated product for canine allergies.  

  • Type 3 - Antioxidant Support - Oxidative stress is a key contributing factor to inflammation and is directly linked to allergies in dogs. Giving your dog antioxidant support is crucial to their overall longevity and health. The pet care industry’s focus is typically on using greens, berries, and omega-3 as antioxidant support to combat oxidative stress.

Although these supplements are not bad, it’s been my experience that they simply aren’t enough to stand up to the increased levels of oxidative stress that our dogs face in this modern society. The graph below compares traditional antioxidant support vs the approach I use for my dogs and recommend for my clients which is the approach to Nrf2 activation. 

For my dogs, I choose to use Protandim Nrf2 or Petandim, depending on the size of the dog. This is my go-to approach because it has been scientifically proven to reduce oxidative stress by as much as 40% in 30 days. And there simply isn’t a more proven or effective option that compares. Because this “supplement” serves to activate processes in your dog’s body it works differently than any of the other recommendations shared. It is a staple option for all my dogs to support their overall health and well-being as a part of their daily nutrition plan. 

Conclusion & Key Takeaways 

Congratulations on embarking on the Complete Beginner's Guide to Your Dog's Allergies! We've covered the intricate world of canine allergies in the most simplified way possible. Offering practical solutions without breaking the bank. 

Understanding and addressing your dog's allergies may seem complex, but we've demystified the initial process, ensuring your hard-earned cash stays in your pocket while your dog enjoys a healthier, happier life.

Whether you're just suspecting allergies or are knee-deep in a frustrating health journey, this guide provides clarity and actionable steps. Remember, having a dog brings immense joy, and overcoming allergies is a key step in ensuring their overall well-being. If you need personalized support, our "Ask an Animal Wellness Coach" live event and Animal Health Consultations are valuable resources. Now, let's recap the key takeaways from this guide.

To recap the Key Takeaways:

Allergies manifest in various reactions to substances, including food ingredients, environmental factors, and grooming products.

Recognize symptoms like itching, redness, ear infections, and gastrointestinal issues.

3 Beginner Steps to Success:

Step 1: Identifying the Trigger Type

    • Distinguish between internal (food) and external triggers by observing patterns and symptoms.

    • Climate and season changes may indicate external environmental triggers.

    • Chronic gastrointestinal issues might point to food allergies.

    • Implement the needed Stepping Stone Solutions for the type of allergy your dog is experiencing. 

Step 2: Support the Angry, Overactive Immune System

    • Focus on the GI tract, where over 70% of the immune system resides.

    • Choose canine-specific or soil-based probiotics for gut restoration and repair.

    • Understand that results take time; commit to the process for long-term relief.

Step 3: Supercharge the Immune System

    • Implement digestive support for at least two weeks before proceeding.

    • Supercharge the immune system with high-quality mushroom supplements rich in beta-glucans.

    • Consider additional targeted vet-formulated options like Harmony from Four Leaf Rover.

    • Reduce oxidative stress through traditional antioxidants or choose Nrf2 activation for maximized results

In your quest to alleviate your dog's allergies, patience is key. Results may take time, but the journey toward a healthier, allergy-free life for your beloved dog is well worth the effort. Remember, each step in this guide is a building block toward achieving long-term relief and addressing the root cause of your dog's allergies. Best of luck on your journey to a healthier and happier life for your furry friend!

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